Sunday, June 15, 2008


Wood is still an important product of forest; wood is collected by logging industries from natural forests or industrial forestry

The demand of wood is getting higher every year, in the other hand we need to put concern to safety of our planet by not to cut the natural forest

The high demand of wood is cutting out the large number of forest endangering natural forest. Then, industrial forestry will be a good solution

Growing a Forest……..? No way! That’s what shortly will appear in our mind


Just a few land needed, a short term of growing

Teak (Tectona grandis) is a hard wooden plant which has long live circle up to 40 years. But as the advance of technology in forestry, and genetic biology, Recently, teak trees derived from selection of best trees growth in tropical forests of India, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia and Indonesia which can be harvested (cut , log) in just 5 to 15 years.

These trees then propagated by tissue culture and/or conventional seed growing

in 5 years a teak can grow to 14 meters (52.5 feet) high and 27.5 centimeters (10.8 inches) in diameter (dbh = diameter at breast high) already qualified to be process for timber industry. In 10 years the diameter can reach 34 centimeters (13.4 inches) in 15 years up to 40 centimeters wide (15.7 inches)

It’s an amazing growth!

Teak tree can grow everywhere which has a real dry season from 3 to 5 months, a typical character of tropical climate, with temperature range 27oC – 36oC in good rain 1500 – 2000 mm/year.

Generative propagation of teak by seedling uses teak seeds which already given some treatment to accelerate growing. Teak seeds’ skin is very hard, Therefore treatments given to crash the dormancy of the seed. Those treatments are follows:

1. Soaking the seeds in cold water followed by drying under the sun repeated for 4 to 5 times.
2. Soaking in cold water for a day and hot water a day repeated 4 to 5 times
3. Epicotyls of the seed were scoured to thin it.
4. Soaking it in sulfuric acid t (H2S04) for 15 minutes, the wash it in cold water
The media used for seedling is sand. The sand sterilized fist by drying under the sun or heating it up using big metal barrel

The media needs to be watered twice a day to maintain humidity. The raising of seed will take day even week so we need to be patients.

When a the seed start to grow, we wait until it reaches 4 – 5 centimeters than we moved to seedling bag 10 x 15 cm with composition of Sand, Compose and soil 7:2:1. We fertilize it using Nitrogen, Phosphor and Potassium (5 gram/litter water) when the plant reaches 2 weeks in the bag. After 3 months the plant is strong enough to be planted in the land

Fertilizer can be given every two weeks until the plant ready to be planted (3 month)

Vegetative propagation of teak by tissue culture performed by planting a tissue part of already growth plant in a sterile media containing hormones.

Demand of wooden furniture and other wooden made products is growing higher every year. In the same time the price of woods is also raising because the lack of production. Growing teak becoming a promising infestation, high profit, predictable, and resistance of economical fluctuation.

The natural characters of the teak itself are providing exponential result. You keep it longer the bigger plant, the more prices you get

Return of investment categorized as “hard asset” giving high protection of inflation

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